For Booking Call +91-7500714620 Aashthan Devi Dayal, Telipura Road, Ramnagar-244715, Uttarakhand

Jhirna Forest Zone Booking

Jhirna Forest Zone  Booking

Jhirna is located on the southern periphery of Corbett Tiger Reserve. The animal population also comprises sloth bear and wild elephants which provide great sights for the wild life enthusiasts. Jhirna zone is open throughout the year. The Jhirna jeep safari zone is one of the most eye-catching spots inside the Corbett Tiger Reserve.
Day visit to Jhirna Zone is through Dhela Gate which is 20 Kms from Ramnagar. Its main topography mainly constitutes deciduous and secondary forest interspersed with plush open grasslands that offer amazingly good visibility of wild animals.

Jhirna Zone - Winter Safari Timings

Entry Exit
Morning Safari - 07:00 am Morning Safari - 10:00 am
Evening Safari - 02:00 pm Evening Safari - 05:30 pm

Jhirna Zone - Summer Safari Timings

Entry Exit
Morning Safari - 06:00 am Morning Safari - 09:30 am
Evening Safari - 03:00 pm Evening Safari - 06:30 pm

Night Stay


Jhirna FRH is located on the southern boundary of the Corbett Tiger Reserve and may be approached from the Dhela entry gate. Vegetation here is drier and mostly shrub. It was a farming land till the villages (Dhara, Jhirna and Kothirau) were relocated in 1994 under Project Tiger. The area has recovered really well and is a testimony of the rejuvenating power of nature. After the successful ecological recovery, the area is a favored ground of Wild animals now

  • Jhirna(FRH)-Double Bed

    Room Type: FRH(Double Bed)
    Location: Jhirna
    Entry Gate: Dhela Gate
    Distance from Ramnagar: 25 km
    No. of Rooms: 2
    Restaurant and Canteen: Yes


Jungle Safari

Can be done using the registered jeeps. Taking registered nature guides is mandatory on all wild excursions.

Chaurs (Grass Lands)

Around Jhirna we have a large chaurs (Grass land) known as the Laldhang Chaur. This is the favored area by the wild herbivores like elephants and deer.

FLora & Fauna

The terrain consists of large open grasslands, popularly known as Chaur. Its topography is mainly dry deciduous type with secondary forest. There are numerous natural streams inside the area. The stream beds are warm and accessible for exploring. There are cliff edges along with the streams, which can prove to be a good spot for bird watching.

One of the best places to spot tigers in their natural habitat, this is a must visit zone for the wildlife enthusiasts.

Open & Close Time


The Jhirna Tourism Zone, however remains open for day safaris throughout the year, subject to road and weather conditions.

Map of Jhirna

How to Reach Jhirna

Jhirna gate is around 20 kms from Ramnagar city, Jhirna safari opens round the year for day safaris. The booking for day visits can be done using the official web portal. During monsoon advance booking of safaris cannot be done for Jhirna gate because in case of heavy rains safaris can be cancelled any particular day, hence permits for the safaris are given on current basis.

Jeep Safari Booking

Rate: ₹ 8500 / Jeep
Max People: 6 / Jeep
Time: 5:30 am-9:30 am | 2:00 pm-6:00 pm
Departure: Ramnagar
Availability: Round The Year

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Elephant Safari Booking

Rate: ₹ 4000 / Elephant
Max People: 4 / Elephant
Time: 6:00 am 8:00 am | 4:00 pm- 6:00 pm
Departure: Ramnagar
Availability: Round The Year

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Canter Safari Booking

Rate: ₹ 2500 / Person
Max People: 16 / Canter
Time: 5:30 am-11:30 am |1:00 pm-7:00 pm
Departure: Ramnagar
Availability: Round The Year

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